HARLEY SMITHE is a British brand, created by Dr. Azhar Aslam the President of the British association of plastic surgeons in association with highly skilled professionals from medical and wellness fields who have diverse experience and deep-rooted knowledge in PPE through years of practice providing hospitals, clinics with management services and conducting medical examinations, diagnostic, surgeries, therapeutic and spa procedures.  

HARLEY SMITHE strives to stick to working ethics and outstanding service that are accomplished with superior quality of products. We understand and take into consideration the real meaning of safety importance for our customers.

HARLEY SMITHE disposable protective gloves feature a wide range of highest quality of materials and grades with different levels of protection, comfort and durability, fitting for various applications including medical, laboratory, wellness and spa industries, HORECA and retail, etc.

Our products conform to International, American and European standards.


Quality, not quantity

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.

Get in touch


2 Frederick Street, Kings Cross, London, United Kingdom, WC1X 0ND

